Starting a Carpet Cleaning business and training

Dec 3 2015

When I started Adelaide Cleaneasy all those years ago I had been cleaning carpets for approximately 10 years. I spent a few years working thinking I was doing a great job and assuming all my customers were happy.

How wrong could I have been. My customers were happy yes but when I completed my first carpet cleaning course through the Australian Carpet Cleaning Institute (ACCI) I could not believe how much I didn’t know and how much there was still to learn. Now bear in mind I had been cleaning carpets for over 10 years at that stage and was blown away by the sheer amount I did not know.

This started me down the path of education and today I believe I am one of the most educated carpet cleaners in Australia (as most ACCI Technicians are).

Some unscrupulous companies claim to be ACCI trained but that is a play on words. They have completed courses but do not implement what they learnt in their cleaning practices. When ACCI audits your business and check cleaning practices these companies that are not up to standard are asked to leave the ACCI network of cleaners.

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